Getting Started
XPO Session vs XAF ObjectSpace (for starters only)
I think that the explanation in the ticket willl be helpful for people who get started with XAF.
XAF Windows
WinForms - New Layout Panels (v19.1)
In v19.1 we are introducing two special layout panels that make it easier to deal with certain common layout requirements. These panels may be familiar from WPF and many other UI platforms. They don’t have advanced functionality like runtime editing, but they provide an interesting alternative approach for some scenarios.
Exposing your XPO ORM using GraphQL dotnet | Joche Ojeda
The beauty of GraphQL is its efficient and flexible approach to develop web APIs that can be queried to return a different data structure in the opposite side of the REST API and traditional web services that return a fix data structure, you can learn more about the GrahpQL project on their website
XPO and Xamarin 101. A Step by Step beginner’s guide.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
eXpandFramework/DevExpress.XAF · The SuppressConfirmation package
The SuppressConfirmation package can be used to enable specific SuppressConfirmation scenarios by setting the IModelObjectView.SuppressConfirmation attribute to true. The implemented SuppressConfirmation scenarios are described in the details section.
eXpandFramework/DevExpress.XAF ·The AutoCommit package
The AutoCommit package can be used to enable specific autocommit scenarios by setting the IModelObjectView.AutoCommit attribute to true. The implemented autocommit scenarios are described in the details section.
eXpandFramework/The MasterDetail module
The MasterDetail module can help you create platform agnostic master detail XAF views using only the Model Editor.
Links to Bookmark
How to: Use Google, Facebook and Microsoft accounts in ASP.NET XAF applications (OAuth2 demo) | DevExpress Support Center
This example demonstrates the use of OAuth2 authentication in a web application. Users can sign in to the application via Google, Facebook or Microsoft authentication providers.
Podcasts And Videos
Framework Series: The eXpand Framework with Apostolis Bekiaris Dec 16 2011
Before he worked for DevExpress, Apostolis Bekiaris worked on an open source project with others in the community based on a DevExpress commercial Framework. Now he works for the company! How does he balance open and commercial, how does the team choose features to support and more.
TechSummit 2007 – Oliver Sturm on the eXpress Application Framework
Welcome to podcast#39. Oliver Sturm, community evangelist, Microsoft MVP and DDD speaker takes some time out to talk to me about the eXpress Application Framework, eXpress Persistent Objects, the DevConnections challenge. Oliver crams a lot into this podcast and does so very eloquently.