XAFers Introductions

Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave ft. Jose Javier Columbie - Ep. 41 - YouTube
In this episode host, David McCarter sits down with guest Jose to talk about Blazor, Azure, DevExpress XAF, Cuba, and MVP

Free XAF/XPO Support Hour from Xari and BITFrameWorks
Let's discuss your XAF Support needs together!
Book 1 hour call/zoom that will give you the opportunity to define the roadblocks in your current XAF solution. We can talk about performance, deployment or custom implementations. Together we will review you pain points and leave you with recommendations to get your app back in track.
Getting Started
.NET Conf 2021
Join the .NET Conf 2021 free virtual event November 9-11 to learn about the newest developments across the .NET platform, open source, and dev tools. Mark your calendar!
Define the Scope of Controllers and Actions
This article describes how to set conditions for activating Controllers and their Actions.
Access the Audit Log In the Database
This article describes the database tables that the Audit Trail Module uses and how to query their records.
XAF Blazor
Blazor Application Templates | eXpressApp Framework | DevExpress Documentation
We have been waiting for this!!! No more crazy workarounds. The sections below describe templates for Blazor applications.
Entity Framework

XAFers Community Standup. XAF and Entity Framework | Meetup
Thu, Nov 11, 2021, 10:00 AM GMT -7
Who else is using XAF with EF? Let's show all EF devs the magic of XAF.

Implementing database synchronization with Entity Framework Core | Joche Ojeda
Lets add synchronization functionality to an Entity Framework Core DbContext.
Open Source
UnoConf 2021
November 30 th - Join us at Uno Platform's 2021 virtual developer conference as we take a look at cross-platform development trends, best practices and how you can create Pixel-Perfect Multi-Platform Applications.
Add XAF to your Toolbox
We provide XAF Training tailored to meet the needs of the client and from Zero to Deploy
XAFers Arizona User Group | Meetup
Our XAFers Community Standup takes place the second Thursday of every month at 10:00 am (GMT -7).
XAF, XPO, Blazor And Xamarin | Facebook Group
Join our Facebook group and post your doubts to get assistance with other members.
XAF-Community - Gitter
If XAFers want to discuss development questions here is another place for it.