Hello XAFers,
Docs and new examples of XAF Blazor are coming up almost daily and a lot of awesome questions are being discussed in the Support Center.
Our monthly XAFers Community Standup is happening this Thursday. We will be talking about XAF to Mobile and we have a lot of cool demos to show. Also don't forget to check the new documentation of the XPO Sync Framework released last week.
A lot of great links in this issue and also some really great events coming soon in the world of .NET.
Hope everyone is staying safe and as always, XAF out!

Free XAF/XPO Support Hour from BITFrameWorks
Let's discuss your XAF Support needs together!
Book 1 hour call/zoom that will give you the opportunity to define the roadblocks in your current XAF solution. We can talk about performance, deployment or custom implementations. Together we will review you pain points and leave you with recommendations to get your app back in track.

XAFers Community Standup. XAF to Mobile | Meetup
Thu, Sep 9, 2021, 10:00 AM GMT -7
Let's discuss our option when we need a native mobile front end for XAF.
Xamarin, Flutter, UNO, and of course MAUI.
How to force a user to change a password when it is expired | DevExpress Support
We all had our own implementation of this task but now we have an official example from DevExpress.
How to prevent a user from using previous passwords | DevExpress Support
Following the ticket above after your password is expired how to make sure old passwords are not repeated.
XAF Blazor
How to Create a landing dashboard with interactive numbers in XAF | DevExpress Support
Quick Answer:
We have a Dashboards Module where you can create this layout. You can create a View with the required Dashboard layout and use it as the startup View.
How to redirect user to the custom razor page after login in XAF blazor | DevExpress Support
Great answer showing we can use either the IJSRuntime or the NavigationManager.
List of available icons in Xaf Blazor | DevExpress Support
Have you check this folder?
C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress 21.1\Components\Sources\DevExpress.ExpressApp\DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor\Images
XAF Blazor - How to Implement a TreeList Editor | DevExpress Support
The community asked and the DevExpress Team delivered. Want to see it in action? Click here
How to: Use a Custom View Item to Add a Button to a Detail View | DevExpress Support
To add a button or any control you might need.
Using CurrentUserDisplayImage attribute in XAF.Blazor 20.2.3 | DevExpress Support
Another highly requested feature already available.
XAF Blazor - How to change position of action button to right? | DevExpress Support
CSS to the rescue.
Can the Standard Wait Dialog Text be Customized in XAF Blazor? | DevExpress Support
Yes, it is possible to localize it in the Model Editor using the Localization\VisualComponents\LoadingIndicator\Loading node, or using the corresponding entry in our Localization Service

Documentation for the XPO SyncFramework
A set of XPO providers for offline database synchronization created by BitFrameworks and Xari
Core - Base XPO and EF6 NuGet packages and assemblies have been renamed | DevExpress Support
Breaking Change Alert!
Reporting — Updated Web Report Designer UI
A new slick layout for the Report Designer is coming soon in in v21.2
Tips And Tricks
How to implement CSS-related solutions for DevExpress components | DevExpress Support
Ticket to bookmark for all those small changes that take us a lot of time to figure out.
Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 7 | .NET Blog
Official Announcement
.NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) Preview 7 is now available with new layouts, improved accessibility, font scaling, and more.
FREE Early Access Preview of Collection View, Drawer, Tab View and More for Mobile Development (v21.2)
All the latest additions for .NET MAUI Preview 7.
CodeRush for Visual Studio 2022 Preview is Now Available
Visual Studio 2022 is around the corner and we already have support for CodeRush. Personally, I feel I am missing an arm if I don't have CodeRush installed so this is AWESOME!

Sabado de XAF - De XAF a mobile | Meetup
Sep 11, 2021, 10:00 AM MST
Segundo Sabado de cada mes la comunidad se une para conversar y compartir experiencias del framework que nos apasiona: XAF.
Los esperamos!!!
XAFers Arizona User Group | Meetup
Our XAFers Community Standup takes place the second Thursday of every month at 10:00 am (GMT -7).
XAF-Community - Gitter
If XAFers want to discuss development questions here is another place for it.
Add XAF to your Toolbox
We provide XAF Training tailored to meet the needs of the client and from Zero to Deploy
XAF, XPO, Blazor And Xamarin | Facebook Group
Join our Facebook group and post your doubts to get assistance with other members.