Hello Everyone,
Our XAFers Community Standup: Migration to XAF Blazor is starting in 40 min. We will cover how to update your old XAF project to XAF Blazor.
Joche will quickly tease the new template for offline sync between XAF and Xamarin and (as requested) we also added JWT tokens to our XAF Rest API project.
A short issue but with some really great links on it.
See you in a bit. XAF out!

Free XAF/XPO Support Hour from BITFrameWorks
Let's discuss your XAF Support needs together!
Book 1 hour call/zoom that will give you the opportunity to define the roadblocks in your current XAF solution. We can talk about performance, deployment or custom implementations. Together we will review you pain points and leave you with recommendations to get your app back in track.
New XAF application with offline cliente template SyncFramework
Demonstration on how to create a XAF application with a Xamarin client with offline synchronization
XAF Blazor
Blazor - how to handle custom exception in an elegant way
- Add a custom service inherited from the ExceptionService class
- Register this service in the Startup.cs
- Use it
How to hide the arrow buttons of the numeric property editor in XAF Blazor | DevExpress Support
private void HideSpinButtons(NumericPropertyEditor propertyEditor) { var adapter = (DxSpinEditAdapter)propertyEditor.Control; adapter.ComponentModel.ShowSpinButtons = false; }
Net Core

Announcing .NET 6 Preview 6 | .NET Blog
Preview 6 is the second to last preview before we enter the RC period.

.NET MAUI Preview 6: Updates All Around - YouTube
.NET MAUI Preview 6 is out now, let me update you with the latest bits! There is some important notes in here about running the WinUI and iOS/macOS bits.
XAF-Community - Gitter
If XAFers want to discuss development questions here is another place for it.
XAFers Arizona User Group | Meetup
Our XAFers Community Standup takes place the second Thursday of every month at 10:00 am (GMT -7).
XAF, XPO, Blazor And Xamarin | Facebook Group
Join our Facebook group and post your doubts to get assistance with other members.
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