Hello XAFers,
I hope everyone is doing good and staying safe. Tomorrow we will be discussing Performance in XAF. Our XAFers Community Standup takes place December 10th at 10:00 (GMT-7) and will break the Myth #2 (Performance is not good) once an for all.
We have samples and testimonials from the community, we will show some performance demos and also we have a special guest that ... I won't spoil it but let's just say you would not want to miss it.
XAF’s PM will be joining us again and answering audience questions .
As always, beers are in the fridge, already cleared all my meetings and waiting for our monthly vacation day. I know I have a weird vacation concept. See you guys tomorrow. XAF Out!

Free XAF/XPO Support Hour from BITFrameWorks
Let's discuss your XAF Support needs together!
Book 1 hour call/zoom that will give you the opportunity to define the roadblocks in your current XAF solution. We can talk about performance, deployment or custom implementations. Together we will review you pain points and leave you with recommendations to get your app back in track.

XAFers Community Standup. Let's talk about Performance
This month we will do a session on Performance. This will be XAF myth #2. Let's prove we can have XAF applications with exceptional great performance.
XAF’s PM will be joining us again and answering audience questions. How awesome is that?
XAF Myth #2: Performance is not good
Some teasers and testimonials of performance optimizations done in XAF. After watching those videos of real XAF applications I can't wait for our standup tomorrow.
Security - Best Practices for Export/Import Role Permissions at runtime (without releasing a new application version to clients)
Export/Import Role Permissions at runtime. How? You can dump required data records from the development database to an XML file and then load this XML file from an application using the production database.
XAF Blazor
Blazor - Performance - LookupPropertyEditor loads all records from its data source when a DetailView is shown
With v20.2.4, you can use a custom editor instead of our LookupPropertyEditor and you will see a huge performance improvement and wait for it... the new action is right there where you need it :)
Reporting - Important Change and Tips & Tricks (November 2020)
Both the Visual Studio Report Designer and the End-User Report Designer generate .REPX files. And the are not interchangeably. Well now there is a new report file format: .VSREPX
Nuestra primera aplicación con Mobile Blazor Binding y Xamarin
Mobile Blazor Bindings es un proyecto experimental que promete muchisimo y si podemos soñar un poco se imaginan usandolo con XAF
XAF Jobs – Xafers Jobs Community
There has been a change of domain from to
From the website more than 350 XAF developers already registered. Let's spread the word so companies start posting more jobs for us.
Social Media
XAF-Community/community - Gitter
Manuel Grundner, a DevExpress MVP created an XAF chat at If XAFers want to discuss development questions here is another place for it.
gitter.imXAF, XPO, Blazor And Xamarin | Facebook Group
Feel free to join our Facebook group to discuss about Xamarin, Blazor, XPO and XAF related topics and post your doubts to get assistance with other members. (We are already 800 members and keep growing every month 🎉🎉🎉)