Hello XAFers,
We are back with another issue of XAFers weekly. We had to skip a week for some personals and work related issues but I was craving to send this issue out as there are a lot of great links.
The second XAFers Community Standup was a lot of fun and even if we had some audio issues we discussed Blazor, Xenial, XAF and XPO. Thanks to everyone who showed up and in the same note our Facebook Group has now more than 400 members, so Whoooo! We together are stronger and I personally I am thrilled to be part of the XAF community and to share with everyone the wonders of XAF development.
Before I go, if anyone is an audio expert and could help us with the XAFers Community Standup video please send me an email.
Until next time, XAF out!

Free XAF/XPO Support Hour from BITFrameWorks
Let's discuss your XAF Support needs together!
Book 1 hour call/zoom that will give you the opportunity to define the roadblocks in your current XAF solution. We can talk about performance, deployment or custom implementations. Together we will review you pain points and leave you with recommendations to get your app back in track.
XAFers Community Standup - May 14th 2020 - Blazor
Second community standup completed. We talked a lot about Blazor and I personally had a lot of fun. (Hope you guys did too) Unfortunately we had some audio issues and the recording has an echo that I could not get rid off and I tried with a lot of audio tools. It would be amazing if anyone in the community is an expert in the area and could help us improve the video.
And remember to join us the second Thursday of every month for our community standup covering everything that is going on with XAF, XPO, Blazor and more. There is no agenda, no formality, no dress code required, let's just talk about what we love and share our experiences.
XAF Modules API of the Week - Conditional Appearance
One module each week. First, all official DevExpress modules, then all community modules, LLamachant modules, Ultra modules, eXpand and more…
This week we are reviewing the Conditional Appearance Module.
eXpressApp Framework - Tips & Tricks (May 2020)
Great collection of support tickets with all kinds of fixes, and as the title says tips and tricks. To name a few: Action Permissions (CTP) -duh, Change a caption of a logged user in the application header, Specify a keyboard shortcut to focus the Accordion search panel and a lot more...
XAF Windows
WinForms - Tips & Tricks (May 2020)
We always follow these posts to see what we can integrate in XAF later on. Ex: How to Distinguish Light from Dark Skins in Code.
How to implement the capability to mark certain navigation items as favorite | DevExpress Support
Did you know that you can pin your favorite navigation items to the Quick Access Toolbar in #WinForms Ribbon UI (#XAF v20.1.3+)? #usability #tips and tricks
How to: Customize Asynchronous Data Loading Behavior and UI | eXpressApp Framework
DevExpress Documentation has been improving greatly trough the years. Here we have a nice article about Asynchronous Data Loading. They cover how to Show a Confirmation Message When a User Cancels Loading, Disable Custom Actions While Data Loading and Customize Loading Indication.
XAF Blazor
Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 now available | ASP.NET Blog
And it is finally here! Blazor WebAssembly is officially released and with it a world of opportunities. I definitely can't wait to see where do you guys take it.
XPO may throw OverflowException if String or Byte Array value length (size) is greater than the maximum allowed database column size
Not all databases throw an exception if a parameter size exceeds the DB column size. Some databases silently truncate the value, and users lose their data. But not anymore, in v20.1.4 XPO may throw an OverflowException for this scenario.
XPO may throw InvalidCastException or SqlExecutionErrorException if parameter types (for update/read queries) do not match database column types
XPO keeps getting better, another improvement where if parameter types (for update/read queries) do not match database column types we will know it right away. One of the reasons for this is to support for Microsoft SQL Server's Always Encrypted functionality that requires type and size information for DbParameter. Great work XPO team!
XPO - Important Changes to Default Query Parameter Validation (v20.1)
One thing I love about XPO is that if the default behavior does not fit your needs you can always change it. This is one of those cases. We presented the two links above, and here you will see how to revert back to previous behavior.
Entity Framework
Entity Framework Migrations - where does the parameterless DBContext constructor get the connection string?
Not directly related to XAF but if you are using EF in your projects is good to follow this issue: Cannot get EF to read the connection string from App.config on .NET Core 3.0.
Upgrading EF project to core documentation is missing some instructions for EF.
Kirsten Greed, a long time XAFer is sharing her findings when upgrading to EF Core in a XAF solution.
ProgressBarViewItem Module · eXpandFramework
The ProgressBarViewItem package contains a ViewItem that can help you display a progress for your long running tasks.
Net Core
Core - Model Editor-related context menu items may not be shown in the Solution Explorer if a solution with multiple projects contains non-XAF-based projects at the top inside the SLN file
If you had this issue before ... spoiler alert: Edit the SLN file in a text editor and place an XAF-based project at the top. That should take care of it.
Relevant Tickets
Object permissions may filter out unnecessary records in a list view with non-Client data access modes
Interesting #XAF issue (fixed in v19.2) where object permissions may filter out unnecessary records in a list view with non-Client data access modes and aggregate functions like Sum, Avg, etc.
Nuevo XPO SQLite Connection Provider - Encriptado - YouTube
XPO con Xamarin sigue mejorando por dia. Ahora con este provider podemos garantizar que nuestros datos se guarden encryptados en el dispositivo movil sin mucho esfuerzo y de manera automatica.
Add to your Calendar
Xafers Training
Next sessions will be June 13. XAF Training tailored to meet the needs of the client. Whether you are a novice or an experienced developer, we guarantee our training will be a helpful resource to expand your skillset.
XAF Jobs – Xafers Jobs Community
From their website more than 300 XAF developers already registered. Let's spread the word so companies start posting more jobs for us.
Social Media
XAFers Arizona User Group | Meetup
Next event is June 11th!!! We will be doing a XAF Community Standup the second Thursday of every month. This group goal is to meet and help others developer using DevExpress Express App Framework. All skill levels are welcome, we will cover topics from getting started to really complex and advanced scenarios.
meetup.comXAF, XPO And Xamarin - Facebook Group
Feel free to join our Facebook group to discuss about Xamarin, XPO and XAF related topics and post your doubts to get assistance with other members.
facebook.comXAF-Community/community - Gitter
Manuel Grundner, a DevExpress MVP created an XAF chat at If XAFers want to discuss development questions here is another place for it.