Hello XAFers,
It's finally here. v20.1 is ready to download and it comes with a lot of great features. To highlight only a few: .Net Core 5 Compatibility, Blazor Server UI (CTP) 🧨🧨🧨, Security Permissions for Actions (CTP), Model Editor for .NET Core and .NET Standard Projects (CTP) and more...
We have a new series: XAF Module API of the Week and lot of great links.
Hope everyone is taking care of themselves and practicing social distancing, wishing all a great week.
XAF out!

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We provide XAF Training tailored to meet the needs of the client. Whether you are a novice or an experienced developer, we guarantee our training will be a helpful resource to expand your skillset.
You’ll get in-depth development insights from our trainers on the topics of building, publishing and deploying your XAF app in Windows and Web.
Getting Started
XAF Modules API of the Week
One module each week. First, all official DevExpress modules, then all community modules, LLamachant modules, Ultra modules, eXpand and more…
So when are we starting? We already did 😎
First week: Audit Trail Module
XAF - Permissions for UI Actions and Security System for non-XAF Apps Powered by Entity Framework Core 3 (v20.1)
This new XAF security layer allows developers to prohibit execution of both custom and XAF system Actions within WinForms and ASP.NET applications using Entity Framework Core 3.
XAF - Store file attachments in Dropbox instead of the database (XPO)
A FileData Implementation that store the file in Dropbox instead of the Database. As a bonus, we can change DropBox account on run time and even organize your files in folder.
Spanish version also in the channel.
XAF - How to use the integrated mode of the security system in non xaf applications - EF Core
This example demonstrates how to access data protected by the Security System from a Console App (.NET Core) with Entity Framework Core. The application outputs secured data to the console.
XAF Web – ASPxTokenBoxPropertyEditor
Using ASPxStringPropertyEditor as our base editor, we override the creation of the control and instantiate the ASPxTokenBox for a really nice ASPxTokenBoxPropertyEditor implementation.
XAF Web: How to change caption of logged user in the right top corner | DevExpress Support
Need to change the caption of logged user? Maybe in a multi company application you want to show the current active company, whatever your need is just call the GetActionContainerCaption() method of the HeaderMenuController and Boom!!!
XPO Best Practices - YouTube
Per student request, we discussed the XPO Best Practices article and had a lot of fun talking about it. Is it too weird, nerdy we enjoy these conversations a little too much 😂😂
XPO - Persistent objects etiquette for enterprise applications
Here, Etiquette means a simple set of rules, which are not enforced, but if followed, will simplify your life significantly.
XPO - Database Schema Migrations (CTP)
With v20.1, you can incrementally update your database schema once changes are made to an XPO data model. You can generate diffs (the SQL script) between the latest data model and the existing database schema in the ORM Data Model Designer or in code.
Spanish version also in the channel.
Add to your Calendar
Xafers Training
Next sessions will be May 16. XAF Training tailored to meet the needs of the client. Whether you are a novice or an experienced developer, we guarantee our training will be a helpful resource to expand your skillset.
XAF Jobs – Xafers Jobs Community
From their website more than 300 XAF developers already registered. Let's spread the word so companies start posting more jobs for us.
Social Media
XAFers Arizona User Group | Meetup
Next event is May 14!!! We will be doing a XAF Community Standup the second Thursday of every month. This group goal is to meet and help others developer using DevExpress Express App Framework. All skill levels are welcome, we will cover topics from getting started to really complex and advanced scenarios.
meetup.comXAF, XPO And Xamarin - Facebook Group
Feel free to join our Facebook group to discuss about Xamarin, XPO and XAF related topics and post your doubts to get assistance with other members.
facebook.comXAF-Community/community - Gitter
Manuel Grundner, a DevExpress MVP created an XAF chat at If XAFers want to discuss development questions here is another place for it.